Wikileaks Cablegate List

Here is the tip of the iceberg with regards to the latest release by Wikileaks of the US diplomatic cables. There are already some headline grabbing stories (as seen below) but the real story will emerge as we study the discourse in greater depth with all the threats and deals becoming clear. This presents a great opportunity of discourse analysis, while the fall-out is only just beginning with politicians in the USA calling for Wikileaks to be listed as a terrorist organisation! This has only just begun.


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WikiLeaks Latest Release

WikiLeaks Documents: Selected DispatchesNew York Times

U.S. Embassy Cables: Browse the DatabaseThe Guardian

What Do the Diplomatic Cables Really Tell Us?Der Spiegel

Cables Shine Light Into Secret Diplomatic ChannelsNew York Times

A Superpower’s View of the WorldDer Spiegel

Leaked Cables Reveal True U.S. WorldviewDer Spiegel

U.S. Embassy Cables Leak Sparks Global Diplomacy CrisisThe Guardian

Directives Blur Lines Between Diplomacy and SpyingNew York Times

WikiLeaks Diplomatic Cables Offer Inside Look at U.S. PoliciesBoston Globe

Wikileaks Documents Reveal Sensitive U.S. CablesReuters

U.S. Diplomats Spied on U.N. LeadershipThe Guardian

U.S. Diplomats Told to Spy on Other Countries at United NationsDer Spiegel

Around the World, Distress Over IranNew York Times

Fear of ‘Different World’ if Iran Gets Nuclear WeaponsThe Guardian

U.S. Referred to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as ‘Hitler’Daily Telegraph

Arab States Scorn ‘Evil’ IranThe Guardian

Iran Fortifies Its Arsenal With the Aid of North KoreaNew York Times

Israel Primed to Attack a Nuclear IranThe Guardian

Iranian Spies ‘Used Red Crescent to Enter War Zones’The Guardian

Cables Reveal U.S. Doubts about Turkey’s GovernmentDer Spiegel

Internal Source Kept U.S. Informed of Merkel Coalition NegotiationsDer Spiegel

Siprnet: Where America Stores its Secret CablesThe Guardian

Updates on the Reaction to U.S. Diplomatic Cables ReleaseNew York Times

White House Condemns Wikileaks DisclosuresBBC News

U.S. Makes Last-Ditch Push to Prevent WikiLeaks ReleaseWall Street Journal

WikiLeaks Gets Warning from State DepartmentWashington Post

Wikileaks ‘Hacked Ahead of Secret U.S. Document Release’BBC News




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