Time for the Ibex to Graze: Ubuntu 8.10 End of Life

Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex Wallpapers - 1beleph...Image by louisvolant via Flickr

October 2008 saw the release of Ubuntu 8.10, codename Intrepid Ibex, but from 30th of April 2010 its support period ends. Users are recommended to upgrade their machines still running this version of Ubuntu before this time. This comes as we will see the release of the next LTS version just days before, Ubuntu 10.04LTS Lucid Lynx, which will be supported for some 3 years at introduce a whole range of new features with a focus of making Ubuntu more social from the start, having tight integration with social (facebook), chat (instant messengers) and broadcast accounts (twitter).

I have been using the development version for about a month now and so far it is looking like some of the best work from Ubuntu to date. For now though all the details regarding the end of Intrepid Ibex can be found in the press release below.


Ubuntu announced its 8.10 release almost 18 months ago, on October
30, 2008. As with the earlier releases, Ubuntu committed to ongoing
security and critical fixes for a period of 18 months. The support
period is now nearing its end and Ubuntu 8.10 will reach end of life
on Friday, April 30, 2010. At that time, Ubuntu Security Notices will
no longer include information or updated packages for Ubuntu 8.10.

The supported upgrade path from Ubuntu 8.10 is via Ubuntu 9.04.
Instructions and caveats for the upgrade may be found at

. Note that upgrades
to version 9.10 and beyond are only supported in multiple steps, via
an upgrade first to 9.04, then to 9.10. Both Ubuntu 9.04 and Ubuntu 9.10
continue to be actively supported with security updates and select
high-impact bug fixes. All announcements of official security updates for
Ubuntu releases are sent to the ubuntu-security-announce mailing list,
information about which may be found at


Since its launch in October 2004 Ubuntu has become one of the most
highly regarded Linux distributions with millions of users in homes,
schools, businesses and governments around the world. Ubuntu is Open
software, costs nothing to download, and users are free to
customise or alter their software in order to meet their needs.

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