The Great Escape

Let’s have a merry journey, and shout about how light is good and dark is not. What we should do is not future ourselves so much. We should now ourselves. “Now thyself” is more important than “know thyself.” Reason is what tells us to ignore the present and live in the future. So all we do is make plans. We think that somewhere there are going to be green pastures. It’s crazy. Heaven is nothing but a grand, monumental instance of future. Listen, now is good. Now is wonderful. ~ Mel Brooks

Well this is it, the final countdown before I embark on my adventure to the USA for a few weeks. So far the vast bulk of the arrangements have been painless, but certainly costing plenty of dollars and Euro!

Right now the plan is fairly straight forward. I get on a plane in Dublin early one morning, then arrive in New York (JFK) where I jump planes onto a flight to Cleveland, Ohio. After which I will be collected by my hostess and there begins my adventure. I am flying with Delta, so can make notes on my laptop en route so a full and honest review shall find it’s way to this page.

An Amtrak trip has been booked that will take us to Washington DC, New York City and Boston. That will be a week of madness with a mix of friends floors and a hotel room in between. Not going to get as long as I would have liked in any of those places, but it is still my first time in any of them so it is all good. Just need to make sure I make a short list of ‘must see’. Again, most of the reviews I have read about Amtrak have been positive but I will be adding my own unique perspective here.

While in New York I have had my arm twisted to go and see the musical ‘Hair’, my mother remembers it from back in the day and shakes her head whenever I mention it…but I shall hope for the best and just enjoy the experience. The reviews I have been shown by the ‘arm-twister’ have been positive and I will not look elsewhere for dissenting voices.

Photo of the horseshoe/Canadian falls taken fr...Image via Wikipedia

While those dates above are all fixed there are also a few smaller trips planned (hoped for?) around Ohio state, Amish country, Marietta College and maybe as far north as Niagara Falls! There are other more homely pursuits in store for my like a few little parties (Grumberfest?) and even a baseball game…yes I intend to drink bad beer, get a hot-dog and enjoy the ball-game, though I may need to be reminded who to shout for (and what is going on!).

This great escape has come out of nowhere! It has been planned and thrown together over the month of June, virtually all last minute and so lots of pressure to get right first time. The main reason for this to have even become a reality or possibility has been due solely to the kindness of people who have not even met me yet! So who (what?) is going to arrive on their doorstep in a few days time may end up tainting their very charitable hearts, I will try to be good.

I intend to take plenty of photos that should end up on my Flickr page for all to see, while I will keep a journal of my experiences and any insights that should end up here on the interweb for you to hopefully enjoy. I may alter names to protect some peoples innocence, but you will know you who be!

If any of you have suggestions for what to look at or where to visit then feel free to leave some comments.

I have wandered all my life, and I have traveled; the difference between the two is this — we wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment. ~ Hilaire Belloc

It is time for me to travel soon…

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