The Warrior Bunny Is Coming!!

Just in case you have not heard, Ubuntu 9.04 ‘Jaunty Jackalope’ is on the way! The important dates for anyone who wants to help out in development are:

November 20th – Alpha 1
December 18th – Alpha 2
January 15th – Alpha 3
February 5th – Alpha 4
February 26th – Alpha 5
March 12th – Alpha 6
March 26th – Beta
April 16th – Release Candidate
April 23rd – Final Release

For a much more detailed breakdown have a look at the official Jaunty Release Schedule which also have links for you to add to your calendar.

What should we expect from the warrior bunny? Well here is Mark Shuttleworth’s plans, Introducing the Jaunty Jackalope. Much more will surely follow on the Ubuntu website while wikipedia has the following:

Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope), to be released sometime in April 2009 will be Canonical’s tenth release of the distribution. It will be supported until October 2010. Intended features for procurement include faster boot time and integration of web services and applications into the desktop interface. It will also mark the first time that all of Ubuntu’s core development will be moved to the Bazaar distributed revision control system.[48]

The desktop installation of Ubuntu 9.04 is expected to include, among other programs, GIMP 2.6, GNOME 2.26, Mozilla Firefox 3.1, 3.0, and Pidgin 2.6[33]. The server installation may include MySQL 5.1, PHP 5.2 and Python 2.6. Ubuntu 9.04 may use Linux 2.6.30 and X.Org 7.5. GNOME 2.26 is expected to include support for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 in Evolution[49].

Every Ubuntu release has been a significant improvement and what has gone before and I am once again getting giddy over what is to come, especially since so little has been officially confirmed. So let the Ibex shine for the the time, but the Jackalope is coming soon.

Ubuntu, linux for human beings



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