AAI 2008, Year End

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Meeting up at Xtreme45

So what began with the mini fun run earlier this year and registration for the Annual Across Ireland main run on the last weekend of August has finally been wound up with a presentation on the 19th October with details of the final funds raised.

So how did we do? The BIG number first…over the course of the AAI’s 9 year history we have now broken the €1,000,000 mark. While the total raised this year came to €177,592 which easily beat all previous amounts raised. The final number of bikes taking part this year was approximately 1000 together with 14 traffic police and 20+ marshal’s.

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The €1,000,000 Cheque!

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This years total, €177,592

The presentation was kept brief and just meant as a thank you to everyone involved, from the organisers, the sponsors and those who make it all happen through the fund raising. The great news is that some 98% of the money raised will do straight to the children who benefit from the Make-A-Wish foundations activities. There was also a minutes silence for the participant that lost his life on the run this year and for prominent members/supporters of the AAI that are no longer with us.

Following the awards and thanks given the organisers went at lengths to stress that none of this would be possible if it was not for the effort put in by everyone who signs up to take part in the ride-outs. So Xtreme45 & Bridgestone had provided a couple €€€€’s worth of goodies which were raffled off, though those you raised the most funds in sponsorship were given first pick. They also had a certificate for everyone who had registered to say they had taken part, a very nice touch I thought.

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Some of the people that make this so successful

What started out as an idea has grown into Ireland’s premier motorcycle run which will be going into it’s 10th year in 2009. Thus the organisers intend to do something ‘special’ to commemorate this milestone! If you keep an eye on the AAI website it is due for a redesign in the coming weeks while a DVD of the events that took place this year will also be made available with the money going to charity. Also for those who want to start signing up for next years event the AAI have stand M12 booked at the Irish Motorcycle & Scooter Show 2009 due to be held between February 27th to March 1st 2009.

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The real stars…

Below you should find a map showing the route we took on the day from Xtreme45 to the City North Hotel. It was very straight forward with us all going two-by-two. The marshals were once again working hard while we passed through streets of onlookers with people waving and cheering at us. The positive response we seem to get from every town we pass through is great to see.

View Larger Map

So point your browsers to the AAI website from time to time or simply keep coming here, I will update with information as soon as they get in touch!

As always, keep the rubber side down.



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