Intrepid Dates

Here are the dates for the testing & release schedule for the next release of Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex.

June 26th – Alpha 1
July 10th – Alpha 2
July 24th – Alpha 3
August 14th – Alpha 4
August 28th – Feature Freeze
September 4th – Alpha 5
September 18th – Alpha 6
September 15th – Beta Freeze
October 2nd – Beta Release
October 23rd – Release Candidate
October 30th – Final Release 8.10

Full details of the schedule can be found HERE
While and overview and links to more detailed information can be found HERE.
Also a brief review and screenshots of Intrepid Ibex Alpha 1 can be found HERE. The new darker look is funky, but these are early days and much could change.

I know…where has been my review of Hardy Heron and my fun with it? Well, it will not work on my laptop due to a bug (details here). Basically after attempting to install (via Live CD, Upgrade and so on) the system would freeze up. While turning off the ACPI feature left me with a laptop with many features not working.


The bug may now have been fixed as recent testing in Launchpad seems to indicate the problem has been solved so as soon as the update is included with the Hardy updates then I will be able to finally move over and give a complete review of the 8.04 LTS.

So with Hardy finally on its way to my laptop and Intrepid Ibex on the horizon there is much to look forward too!



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