Mr Scruff in the Button Factory

I survived the weekend…and what a weekend it was!

Without a doubt Mr Scruff (CLICK HERE) is the best there is at what he does. As soon as I walked into the Button Factory at 11.30pm he was on stage. After plucking up some courage I approached and he was happy to have a chat with me.

Once things got going the music was brilliant, some favourites thrown in and even a good few “brand new tunes” which Mr Scruff said could be on the way to the new album in April. Initially I thought maybe a 90mins set…then maybe 2 hours…then maybe 3 hours…but we were not leaving the Button Factory until 4am!

There seemed to be a period between 1.30am – 2.30am when people just wanted to stand in the dance-floor or attempt to cross this wall of people with pints while not fully able to walk. Kids eh? Well there seemed to be a loyal few of us that stayed moving in front of Mr Scruff for most of the night.

Once he finished up, with a tune that will never let me listen to an Irish jig the same again, he jumped down into crowd. At which stage I briefly got to say another thank you for an amazing night.

Please go and see this DJ if you hear he is nearby, even if it may not be your usual cup of tea. You will be impressed, moved and left feeling very alive. Well, I was at least!

Thank you again Mr Scruff…keep it unreal!

Also, a special thank you to Rikitiki for the photos taken on the night and joining me on the dance-floor, she knows who she is!



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