DCU Model United Nations

Other then my unnatural love affair with motorcycles (If only that was the worst of it…) I also have a few other things that keep me entertained. Not that studying for a Degree In International Relations is eventful enough I am also a committee member of the Dublin City University Model United Nations (DCU MUN).

So I am pleased to announce that the official DCU MUN website has gone online. You can access it by Clicking Here or if you see on the left hand side in “KD’s Web” you will find a permement link.

Further to this 7 of our society will be attending Queens University in Belfast this weekend (22nd, 23rd & 24th February) to take part in an MUN simulation with similar socities from all around the globe.

“Having lost sight of our objectives, it is time to redouble our efforts” -Anon



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