So it is official, Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman will be leaving the most northerly point of Scotland aroound the 10th-12th May and traveling south to Cape Town, South Africa. The trip will take several months and again they will be promoting their favourite charity UNICEF.
They will be on “BMW R 1200 GS Adventure” motorcycles, which are fitted out as per what you would get in any BMW dealership. It is rumoured they will not be taking GPS units with them this time, prefering to stick to maps and the stars. Though truth be told once you cross into Africa all the GPS can be used for is setting waypoints to travel between as there is little or no mapping informations for roads etc…
I wish then all the best and hope that this proves to be as succesful as their previous adventure. I know some who have had a go at them for various reasons, but ultimately they are doing it to aid a good cause and promote a positive image of motorcycles which goes against the usual flak we recieve in the press!
Good Luck to all involved…
“It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.”
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