Some Things Stay The Same….(Original Posting 12th June 2007)

…And Some Things Do Not!

Have had a busy few weeks of late, let me fill you in. Earlier this year I applied to return to education as a mature student. I know, I must be crazy (that’s another story) or stupid (I have had my moments). Once again I set myself up for another failure.

Well I sent in the “application’s”. I was then sent out “supplementary application’s”, which I filled in and sent back. Then In early May I get a phone call asking me to attend an interview in late May. Of course I accept and turn up on the day in my nicest M&S suit. I wait outside the room hearing the interviewer’s laugh and joke with the interviewee, I know that they will not laugh that much with me. I am worried, I am anxious…I am going into the room. I sit down in front of 2 professors from the law & government department. Sure enough, we do not laugh that much. We talk about my crazy notions and they are very polite and do not wade into the reports from various specialists that lay in front of them from the last few years. I explain were I see their Degree course leading me, I even tell them which MA I would really like to do to follow it up! After an hour it is over. I am relieved, I did the best I could. No sugar coating, this is who I am, what I wanted… What have I done?

Oh, there were also 90 candidates for the 12 available places on the course.

Well, one of the Professor’s rang me the other day…they would like me to accept their offer of a place at the university on my chosen course…I have struggled for 4 years to get a break and there it was, here it is.

By the way, I accepted their very nice offer!

So here I am, finally found that road I have been looking for. The destination is still a long way off, but we all know it is the journey that counts. In September a whole new chapter begins for me…

See you on the Purple Bus



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