Where Did All The Events Go?

Well, arguably Ireland’s two most popular motorcycle events are off the calendar this year.

First, British Superbikes will not be coming to Mondello this year (2008). I have not heard the full reason but I believe it has something to do with not getting a grant off the Irish tourist board. No matter the reason it is a great shame and loss. Though to compensate I am tempted to kill two birds with one stone as I may be in the UK the weekend of the Cadwell Park race (Monday 25th August).

Second, no Irish Motorcycle and Scooter Show 2008 this year either. But having refused to go to it the last two years it is no great loss, except for the general promotion of motorcycles. Well, I had been prepared to face it this year but that is no longer option. Hang on, there is another option though, February 1st – 3rd will be the Northern Ireland Motorcycle Show in Belfast (King’s Hall). So looks like I will be having a nice ride up and down one day that weekend. My first trip ‘abroad’ with Karma.

So as they say, when one door closes another opens. The organisers of the events here in Ireland only have themselves to blame as there will always be that core who are prepared to support various motorcycle events & causes whenever they can.

Keep the rubber side down.



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