Advent 4211 SD Card…Solved!

Advent Screenshot - 008
SD Card proudly displayed on screen

If you read my previous post on setting up the Advent 4211 you would note that the only little problem left to fix was the issue with the SD Card reader not mounting the the media when inserted, well with a bit of tinkering I have finally put this to rest, so here is a quick step-by-step.

NOTE I am no Linux guru so please make sure to back-up everything before tinkering!

Firstly, the problem seems to be with Ubuntu thinking it is a CDROM, to correct this open your fstab file, via terminal, with:

sudo gedit /etc/fstab

you should see a line like this at the bottom:

/dev/sdb1 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0

Edit out that line and replace with the following:

/dev/sdb1 /media/MMCSD auto user,auto,exec,rw 0 0

Now save the file and close.

We now need to tell Ubuntu what to do with this MMCSD thing, so open terminal and type the following:

sudo mkdir /media/MMCSD

Now the media has somewhere to mount. Close terminal and try inserting your SD Card, if all has gone to plan then it should automount. It worked for me straight away, I had photos on the SD Card so F-Spot started to import them while the 1.0GB Media appeared on my desktop. I have yet to experience a problem with this fix, but hopefully a future release will patch this up.

Advent Screenshot - 009
F-Spot automatically detected the new media

For more information and advice on the MSI Wind & Advent 4211 family of netbooks head over to the MSI Wind Forums. While as always more Ubuntu specific issues can be usually sorted at the Ubuntu Forums (I am victor9098 in both).

Hope that is of some use to you all!



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