Power for the (Mobile) People

All images form Lion Battery

Well the good news is in, a 9-cell battery for the Advent 4211 has been made available by the very good people at Lion Battery. Earlier last month (September) they became resellers of the official MSI Wind 6-cell battery, this 9-cell creation they have developed themselves and in theory should provide up to 7 hours off the mains.

This is a tremendous achievement and will give the MSI Wind family of ‘netbooks’ a whole new level of mobility, in many cases allowing users to go all day without having to plug-in. This is what I (and many others) have been waiting for and I have already placed a pre-order with Lion. Note though that the release date is the end of October so realistically it will be early to mid November before I finally get my hands on it.

From looking at the images on the site the battery is obviously very large looking though a major advantage will be having the keyboard angled towards the user. The Advent 4211 also has the tendency of falling away from the user rather easily, the shape of the battery should virtually eliminate this. My only concern is that in a few lecture rooms were the desk is angled towards you this could lead to an excessive angle. Though you can not have it all and it would seem the advantages more then outweigh the disadvantages.

For full specs CLICK HERE (there is a white version too)
I also recommend the MSI Wind forums

Naturally once the battery has arrived and I will give a review of what I think.



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