Italy Tells Motorcycle Trailers To Roll On

Have a motorcycle with a trailer?? Like traveling around Europe with it? Well you better be careful as it is now illegal to drive on Italian roads while towing a trailer behind your motorcycle. The process to achieve this great legislative milestone (seriously…there are bigger issues!) has been a funny little journey.

You see they were banned originally by Italy, but the EU weighed in claiming that the Italian ruling contravened EU laws concerning intra-state trade…there was an opinion…then a second opinion. Italy found itself on the losing side and did what every modern state does in times of peril, ruled that motorcycle trailers were a health & safety matter and thus banned them through the back-door.

For the full detailed description head over to the EU Law Blog: Free movement of Goods, Motorcycle Trailers, Product Use and Road Safety: Case C-110/05.

Personally I can not see an issue with purpose built rigs that meet the necessary requirements for the road. I look forward to getting more insight into the matter and what the original motives behind the Italian government were. Considering the money they are currently handing out the the car and motorcycle industry in the country. Also when is the last time you heard of a motorcycle trailer being involved in a road accident?

Keep the rubber side down.



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