Karmic Koala’s Bringing Humanity To Others!?

Last Thursday (19th February) the next version of Ubuntu (9.04 Jaunty Jackalope) went into ‘Feature Freeze’, which essentially means that the current testing version is as close as you will get to the finished product due on the 23rd April. Of course there are still bugs to be splatted and the last few kinks ironed out but Jaunty is already achieving 25sec boot times on netbooks…so the warrior bunny is coming out fighting and very fast.

BUT WAIT! What now? Still enjoying your current stable release of 8.10 Intrepid Ibex and waiting patiently for the fast approaching 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope how can things get better? Well a certain Mr. Mark Shuttleworth has officially announced that the next version of Ubuntu is in development and it is currently codenamed the 9.10 Karmic Koala.

The official statement can be found over on The Fridge which details the intentions for the new release for those interested in the server side of things and desktop users. Since I am a desktop user here is what Mark had to say on it;

First impressions count. We’re eagerly following the development of kernel mode setting, which promises a smooth and flicker-free startup. We’ll consider options like Red Hat’s Plymouth, for graphical boot on all the cards that support it. We made a splash years ago with Usplash, but it’s time to move to something newer and shinier. So the good news is, boot will be beautiful. The bad news is, you won’t have long to appreciate it! It only takes 35 days to make a whole Koala, so we think it should be possible to bring up a stylish desktop much faster. The goal for Jaunty on a netbook is 25 seconds, so let’s see how much faster we can get you all the way to a Koala desktop. We’re also hoping to deliver a new login experience that complements the graphical boot, and works well for small groups as well as very large installations.

For those of you who can relate to Mini Me, or already have a Dell Mini, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition will be updated to include all the latest technology from Moblin, and tuned to work even better on screens that are vertically challenged. With millions of Linux netbooks out there, we have been learning and adapting usability to make the Koala cuddlier than ever. We also want to ensure that the Netbook Remix installs easily and works brilliantly on all the latest netbook hardware, so consider this a call for testing Ubuntu 9.04 if you’re the proud owner of one of these dainty items.

The desktop will have a designer’s fingerprints all over it – we’re now beginning the serious push to a new look. Brown has served us well but the Koala is considering other options. Come to UDS for a preview of the whole new look.

For the full article Click Here (For the original Mark Shuttleworth blog Click Here)

The intent seems to be to hammer out more details at the Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) in Barcelona over the 25th – 29th May. More details regarding the UDS can be found by Clicking Here and Here.

Karmic Koala…I like the sound of this already! I am one of those Ubuntu Netbook Remix users so rest assured I will be installing the 9.04 version onto my Advent 4211. The new features being suggested for 9.10 has got my mouth watering. Jaunty has not even arrived and I am already more excited about the latest evolution of Ubuntu.

Ubuntu…Linux for human beings.



3 responses to “Karmic Koala’s Bringing Humanity To Others!?”

  1. Anonymous avatar

    It’s always good to hear from a real fan.

    In my years with Windows (I joined the Ubuntu evolution in the Gutsy Gibbon Era), every improvement was flaky and fell apart in your hands, each news OS unsubtly worse and slower than the one before, using ending in BSoD.

    Suddenly with Ubuntu there was a man who didn’t promise the earth, or go on about haw incredibly wonderful the future would be, he simply said, say, we’re going to do something about boots times, and did it.

    Anybody could sit there with a stopwatch and check how long it took under Windows. Of course, if I were ever happy with Windows, Sir William would not be because it was only my dissatisfaction with his product that was contributing to his bottom line, a curious way to run a business you would think, but for mortal users, like me, Linux was still too hard to install easily.

    Shuttleworth to his eternal credit saw this, came up with the clever philosophy, which like reaaly great ideas is very, very simple in conception and began to release his beasties to an unprepared world.

    By this time I had reduced my Windows use to the obligatory tax to Redmond for the OS, and all my application software was either freeware, or the free versions of commercial stuff – AVG or Openoffice and the like, and then to find that installing a Linux system didn’t require the complexities of YaST, but was one download, one burn and 7 keystrokes, including naming an account was very heaven.

    Thank you Mark. Keep up the good work.

    If anybody doesn’t like the brown stain, they can always do a rewallpapering. I do, at least once a week.

    I’d like to have a the words of the beastie on the desktop backgound so when I go updating friends’ machines, I know which of the Shuttleworth Zoo I’m workig with.

    But That’s a minor consideration.

  2. joeirish avatar

    Just installed 9.10 UBR on my new eeepc 901. Saw your photos on Flickr. I'm still in the early learning stages but if you could point me in the direction of any useful guides for ubr I'd be grateful. I'd like to mess with the interface.

    Joe (in Clare) – joe.griffin@ul.ie

  3. Keith Drummond avatar

    Hey Joe,

    The interface in UNR is fairly limited in what you can do, but for tweaking the wallpaper, fonts, themes etc you can just go into System -> Preferences -> Appearance

    A good place to go for ideas and themes is http://www.gnome-look.org/ here you will find all the latest uploads by all sorts, some great stuff. Also check out the Ubuntu Forums, probably the best resource for getting you started (http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=16 is the forum for Art & Design)

    Hope that helps you out a bit and welcome to Ubuntu, you will not regret!

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