Use Ubuntu? Lets Party!

Ubuntu: For Desktops, Servers, Netbooks and in the cloud

Excited yet? Well, you should be, Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope is coming at us fast. This Thursday the 23rd of April it will be available for all to download.

Before getting into the details of what has been updated in this new release let me just bring your attention to the Ubuntu community. Ubuntu users are all well aware of the Ubuntu Forums and Launchpad but with each new release comes a real chance to touch base with Ubuntu users in your area. A quick Google search for ‘ubuntu (your area) jaunty release party’ should get you started. Here in Ireland here are the details of what is going on from Ubuntu Ireland;

Jaunty Jackalope aka 9.04 is going to be released on the 23rd of April.

And if this is not a good enough excuse for you to party… it is going to be the tenth release
of Ubuntu!

Come join us all for the Ubuntu festivities on the 25th of April in Dublin.

The Irish Ubunteros will first meet for lunch at 1.30pm at Jimmy Chung’s 8 Eden Quay, and then cross the river Liffey and make themselves comfortable in Messrs Maguire on Burgh Quay, near O’Connell Bridge, from 3pm.

Demos of Ubuntu 9.04, conversations about Ubuntu, GNU/Linux, and FOSS to be expected as well as general socializing and putting names to faces.

Looking forward to celebrating the latest release of Ubuntu with you all!

I intend to be present and looking forward to meeting members of the community here in Ireland. So what are you waiting for?

Ubuntu…linux for human being.



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