Grading Obama

“After U.S. President Barack Obama’s first 100 days in office, Foreign Policy asked a group of experts to grade him on everything from North Korea to nukes. On the anniversary of his historic election, we’ve reprised the experiment — and found out that the White House isn’t doing so well.” – FP

The As

“In the next
year, Obama’s final grade will depend on such issues as his decisions on
Afghanistan and how he handles an Iran that refuses to live up to its
commitments. But if the past is prologue, he should do well.”

The Bs

“Progress has
been evolutionary, not revolutionary, because U.S. policy is rooted in national
interests that do not change dramatically with a change in the occupant of the
White House.”

“While the
administration cannot be blamed for the mess it inherited, it as of yet offers
no real strategy for the future.”

The Cs

“The Obama
appeal? It is fading fast.”

The Ds

It seems almost a cheap shot to give the president
low marks on a foreign policy that is so obviously failing.”

“The president’s
UN general assembly speech presented the problem: Obama positioned himself
above the nation, mediating between us and the world, his job to restrain
America’s ugly aggressive instincts and apologize for past crimes. No wonder
friends and allies wonder where this all leads.”

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