The Name is Meerkat, Maverick Meerkat

MeerkatImage via Wikipedia

The codename/mascot for the October 2010 release of Ubuntu has been announced as the ‘Maverick Meerkat’ and Mark Shuttleworth is hinting at shaking things up a bit and aiming for the perfect 10 once the LTS is out of the way in April. Many will be happy to live with the Lynx until 2012 (the next scheduled LTS release date) but for those who want to live on the cutting edge of Ubuntu development, everything might be about to change.

Not much development has been done with the Ubuntu Netbook Remix (renamed Ubuntu Netbook Edition from 10.04) and the hints are that this is in for a complete revamp, which is exciting, as at the moment the software included as standard is largely just cloned from the normal desktop release and so applications like Firefox feel slow. Anything could be on the cards, and I look forward to seeing what is on the way.

For the time being the focus is on the Lucid Lynx prowling onto our desktops in April, though some of us our already watching out to see where the Maverick Meerkat is going to pop-up and what it is going to do!

Ubuntu – Linux for human beings


Our mascot for 10.10 is the Maverick Meerkat.

This is a time of change, and we’re not afraid to surprise people with a bold move if the opportunity for dramatic improvement presents itself. We want to put Ubuntu and free software on every single consumer PC that ships from a major manufacturer, the ultimate maverick move.

Once we have released the LTS we have plenty of room to shake things up a little. Let’s hear the best ideas, gather the best talent, and be a little radical in how we approach the next two year major cycle.

Meerkats are, of course, light, fast and social – everything we want in a Perfect 10. We’re booting really fast these days, but the final push remains.

We’re Social from the Start, but we could get even more tightly connected, and we could bring social features into even more applications

They are also clever – meerkats teach one another new skills. And that’s what makes this such a great community.

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