Category: Hobbies & Interests

  • Yamaha 09 Range Revealed

    After a glitzy unveiling in Las Vegas over the weekend with all 4 of Yamaha’s MotoGP riders present their 2009 Range was officially revealed to the public. You can read all about it & see some pictures thanks to MCN by Clicking HereSo for you Yamaha Fans you can get more information by Clicking Here.…

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  • Advent & Ubuntu, A Perfect Partnership?

    Screenshot of Ubuntu on the Advent 4211 No. Sadly not perfect, but it is a close call. I recently purchased an Advent 4211 from PC World, this had not been my original intention as the MSI Wind was what first turned me onto the world of UMPC/Netbooks. The Asus ‘effect’ never got my attention, it…

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  • If Wishes Were Bikes…

    If wishes were bikes then last weekend (Saturday 30th/Sunday 31st August) at the Annual Across Ireland 2008 we had over 700 of them! Combined with pillions numbers taking part went over a 1,000. The total amount of money raised for the ‘Make A Wish Foundation‘ will not be confirmed for a few weeks but the…

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  • Can You Hear Me Now?

    So with the Annual Across Ireland run being this coming weekend and following the lessons of our recent road-trip around Ireland I was under orders to procure and install an intercom system for our long periods on the road. So were to begin? Well, I started by crawling through pages of reviews/comments/opinions of various kit.…

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  • AAI 2008 – Start Your Motors

    I will be taking part in this years Annual Across Ireland charity event taking place over Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st August. The event is set to be the most well attended yet while coverage will be provided by national radio & tv stations. On top of that they will be filming for a DVD…

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