Category: Politics & Political Science

  • Obama and The License to Kill US Citizens

    I commented on this earlier this year, that the Obama administration had continued the Bush policy of allowing the killing of US citizens abroad who are allegedly associated with terrorist groups. Now this already distasteful scenario has gotten murkier as the Treasury Department has made it illegal to have lawyers represent these US citizens in…

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  • Some Links: Death of the State, IED Stats and the Reality of Afghanistan

    Image via Wikipedia Dinosaurs Can’t Dance: The Impending Extinction of the Nation-State (by John Goekler): Here we have another look at the future of the nation-state, or in this case, that it has no future and “will go extinct over the next few decades“. He goes on to list several reasons as why he reaches…

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  • The Great COIN Toss

    Counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan are not working, in fact, very little is and the country continues its record of being the ‘graveyard of empires’. Drones firing at will into Pakistan are further fanning the flames, for the 150 ‘leaders’ that have been killed (some only to return…) there have been over a 1,000 causalities, this…

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  • Comparison of the Costs of Major U.S. Wars

    FAS brings our attention to a newly updated report from the Congressional Research Service that makes a comparison of spending on major U.S. wars from the American Revolution onwards, of course it is not perfect but the report does note this through various caveats. Considering the dept the U.S. has incurred since 2001 and the…

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  • Some Links: Killer Monkeys, Norway and Pundits

    The Taliban and Killer Monkeys: It would seem that “monkey terrorists” are being trained by the Taliban in the Waziristan tribal region. They are being shown how to use AK-47s and Bren machine-guns. Though many armed forces utilize animals in various roles, it was the USA in Vietnam who first used trained monkeys to attack enemy troops,…

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