Category: Technology

  • Solved Broken Recents Button & Launcher on Galaxy S8

     Finally, got to the bottom of an elusive issue for me on Lineage OS on my Samsung Galaxy S8. For reference as you may know there is no official build of Lineage OS for the Samsung Galaxy S8, but there is relatively well-supported unofficial build over on the XDA forum. This is what I have…

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  • Hardware & Operating Systems I Use

    For references this is a post of the devices I use and the operating systems I am running with those devices, specifically my phone, PC, and laptop. It works for me, but certainly not claiming my results are replicable! 😉 Everything listed below I use virtually daily, so have been happy with the stability and…

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  • Lost The Menu Bar In KDE Neon, But Managed To Find It Again.

    This little issue drove me around the bend for a few days until I managed to fall over a solution. It was my own fault. Looking at all those wonderful looking KDE setups over on the Kreddit. I knew well I would not enjoy a Mac clone KDE environment, but for the sake of trying…

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  • Getting Started With Kup Backup On KDE Neon

    Well I got there in the end, a dependable backup schedule with an application that integrates very well into the KDE desktop. For reference, for as long as I can remember I have used Deja Dup backup tool on Ubuntu. I have had to fall back on it several times over the years and it…

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  • KDE Neon – The Ultimate Stable Desktop For KDE Fans?

    I am distro hopping again. I really enjoyed my time with openSUSE, but eventually I could reinstall Ubuntu again without just staring at the blinking cursor on a black screen. I moved back to Ubuntu purely because I feel more proficient with its use, and this just giving me a little more peace of mind.…

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