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Ubuntu 12.04 – Precisely the Linux for Human Beings?
Right, Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin ALPHA is installed, and things seem stable enough at this point in development. Installation could have gone smoother. I downloaded the torrent for the Alpha 1, created a startup USB, went to install and selected the ‘upgrade 11.10 to 12.04’ option to try and preserve as many installed applications as…
Gnome Shell Running On A Netbook
I have enjoyed using the Gnome Shell interface instead of Unity over the last two weeks that I have decided to install on my Advent 4211 netbook. In the post were I described installing and tweaking Gnome Shell the focus was on average sized monitors but the default settings of Gnome Shell mean that a…
Running Gnome Shell on Ubuntu 11.10
First I have to say that I am a fan of Unity, not when they first rolled it out on netbooks (crippling them performance wise) but on PC’s or laptops it made more sense. No it is not perfect, yet, but I do like the direction it is going and what could be achieved with…
Rhythmbox Prevails over Banshee!? Because Ubuntu 12.04 Wants to Look 10 Years Younger
Rhythmbox Prevails over Banshee!? Because Ubuntu 12.04 Wants to Look 10 Years Younger It is looking more and more likely that 12.04 will ship with Rhythmbox instead of Banshee. Can not say that I am happy about that. Reinstalled Rhytmbox this week to check out how it has developed and nothing has changed. In fact,…
Oneiric Ocelot – Ubuntu’s Field of Dreams
Having been running Ubuntu 11.10 ALPHA & now BETA on an Advent 4211 and it would seem the Alpha ran better, no more normal desktop, have to log into the 2D version since Beta. Also performance is very poor right now, everything is laggy or takes significant time to load. The performance of the Unity…
Partner, father, pet parent (1 dog, 6 cats), & proud EU citizen. Sci-fi enthusiast and renaissance soul, often in Ireland’s midlands.
Past lives: soldier, sailor, lecturer (US politics), researcher (political violence), briefly deceased (2019).
Be excellent to each other.
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