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Brammo Invades Europe
Brammo, the electric motorcycle maker, has begun production in Europe. This is a very welcome move and arguably Europe could represent a better market for their product then the USA. Hopefully EU states will begin to extend their electric vehicle subsidies to PTW, realising that a 4 wheel car, and all the production that goes…
The Natty Narwhal Can Be Seen On The Horizon
We are in the final phase of the Ubuntu 11.04, Natty Narwhal, release cycle however this is no longer called the ‘release candidate’ stage as Ubuntu have chosen to just term it ‘Beta 2’. I prefer the old terminology, but that is neither here or there as Natty is almost upon us with no reason for…
Much Ado About Natty
Some quick screenshots from Natty Narwhal which I have been tinkering with since December. Still in Alpha so only use it you are comfortable with your system self-destructing routinely, though it makes the daily updates even more exciting because you never know what will happen when you reboot. The big change this release cycle is…
Counting The Days: Summer Plans, Air Hawks and Highland Rides
Image via Wikipedia While spring is planning on being fashionably late I am already focusing on the summer riding season and have got the foundations of some trips in the works. Currently there are two definites and one ‘probably’. The first definite is an overnight to the Cliffs of Moher, County Clare. I have not been to…
The Dream Is Over – Motus Unveiling Bikes In Daytona
If you are going to the 70th Annual Daytona Bike Week then on March 10th at 2pm make sure you are at the Progressive International Motorcycle Show in the Ocean Center, Daytona Beach. Why? Because Motus will be giving spectators a chance to look at their prototype MST and premium MST-R motorcycles. I have been…
Partner, father, pet parent (1 dog, 6 cats), & proud EU citizen. Sci-fi enthusiast and renaissance soul, often in Ireland’s midlands.
Past lives: soldier, sailor, lecturer (US politics), researcher (political violence), briefly deceased (2019).
Be excellent to each other.
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