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Ubuntu 11.10 Will Be Dreamy
The naming of cats is a difficult matter It isn’t just one of your holiday games. – T S Eliot, The Naming of Cats The announcement has been and the project name for the next Ubuntu release revealed as (drum roll) Oneiric Ocelot. Below our benevolent dictator for life, Mark Shuttleworth, explains what helped him…
The Legality of America’s Program of Targeted Killings by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Here is one I made earlier, the full article can be found on e-IR but below you can find the introduction and conclusion. Enjoy! Amplify’d from The Legality of America’s Program of Targeted Killings by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles On the 5th of November 2002 a Hellfire missile fired from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)…
In the wake of the attack on Rep. Gifford should we call it terrorism & is this the end of lone-wolf terrorism?
Another excellent post from Brigitte L. Nacos which questions why people are not prepared to call this attack an act of terrorism and simply white wash over it with the usual assumptions that the guy must be crazy. I agree, and writers like Sam Harris have already pointed out that only the liberal left would…
Some Numbers from AfPak 2010
From the AfPak Channel at Foreign Policy magazine, some numbers on casualties in Afghanistan and links to a further 3 reports on the Afghan war. It all makes for sobering reading at the start of 2011, combined with what is looking like the collapse of the Pakistani government and the tentative position of the Afghan…
Partner, father, pet parent (1 dog, 6 cats), & proud EU citizen. Sci-fi enthusiast and renaissance soul, often in Ireland’s midlands.
Past lives: soldier, sailor, lecturer (US politics), researcher (political violence), briefly deceased (2019).
Be excellent to each other.
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