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EU Blues as Motorcyclists Face Mandatory ABS and No More Mods
You have got to hand it to those boys and gals in the European Commission just take every chance they get to show how disconnected they are from us little people. Motorcycles are due to be hit with the most restrictive regulations in the world. While the rest of the planet debate about wearing helmets…
10.10.10 – The Rise of the Maverick Meerkat
Today marks the release of the latest evolution of the Ubuntu operating system, 10.10 The Maverick Meerkat. Over the summer I have given the Meerkat a few test drives as it developed through the alpha, beta and release candidate stages. Usually I would have jumped in during the beta testing and stuck with it until…
Motorcycle GPS Cases: Givi versus Arkon
Image by Victor9098 via FlickrI planned to do some touring around Ireland this summer and managed to squeeze in 3 weeks of travels over May/June this year. You can check out photos of those trips on my Flikr page in the Ireland Stream (Ladies View onwards). Any other time planning such a journey would usually…
Irish Motorcycle Road Racing Exhibition (Oct 23/24)
Image by Aled Beswick via Flickr Over the weekend of October 23rd/24th there will be an exhibition in Kells, County Meath, showcasing all aspects of road racing here in Ireland. So if you enjoy watching the thrill of the racing this will be an unique opportunity to get to see everything else that is going…
ACLU vrs U.S. Gov over the lives of citizens
The debate around the targeted killing of US citizens abroad by the U.S. government is still on going, but the article below by Robert Haddick is probably one of the better discussions I have read or heard on the topic. Could this be considered a new battlefield space to be exploited by the military or…
Partner, father, pet parent (1 dog, 6 cats), & proud EU citizen. Sci-fi enthusiast and renaissance soul, often in Ireland’s midlands.
Past lives: soldier, sailor, lecturer (US politics), researcher (political violence), briefly deceased (2019).
Be excellent to each other.
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