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Comparison of the Costs of Major U.S. Wars
FAS brings our attention to a newly updated report from the Congressional Research Service that makes a comparison of spending on major U.S. wars from the American Revolution onwards, of course it is not perfect but the report does note this through various caveats. Considering the dept the U.S. has incurred since 2001 and the…
Brammo Empulse: 100miles@100mph on Electric Motorcycle
Brammo has been impressing with their electric motorcycle range and since they first released the Enertia and then decided to ride two of these electric motorcycles along the route of the automotive CEOs who went to Washington DC asking for government loans. Now they have raised the bar for all the other electric motorcycle manufactures,…
Some Links: Killer Monkeys, Norway and Pundits
The Taliban and Killer Monkeys: It would seem that “monkey terrorists” are being trained by the Taliban in the Waziristan tribal region. They are being shown how to use AK-47s and Bren machine-guns. Though many armed forces utilize animals in various roles, it was the USA in Vietnam who first used trained monkeys to attack enemy troops,…
Some Interesting Links…
Image via Wikipedia No More Pilots: The UK Ministry of Defence have unveiled a unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV), named Taranis, designed to penetrate into enemy controlled air-space, something the current generation of UAVs are not able to do. Lebron and Poli Sci: Here in Ohio LeBron James is all over the news, here the Monkey…
Secret Treaties, Oppressive Laws and Killing the Internet
From John Robb, a series of links that highlight the world we live in as states attempt reassert their dominance in the global system. The methods being employed are likely to end in failure, but using the methods employed below can not be good for anyone. The ‘state’ is currently an injured animal and is…
Partner, father, pet parent (1 dog, 6 cats), & proud EU citizen. Sci-fi enthusiast and renaissance soul, often in Ireland’s midlands.
Past lives: soldier, sailor, lecturer (US politics), researcher (political violence), briefly deceased (2019).
Be excellent to each other.
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