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Space Nazi’s Coming in 2018?
From Blogger Pictures Hopefully they will arrive sooner then that, probably within the next 18 months if I was to hazard a guess, all thanks to the indie movie studio Energia Productions Ltd. Their previous Sci-Fi effort has become something of a cult classic, Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning, and building on the success of…
The Name is Meerkat, Maverick Meerkat
Image via Wikipedia The codename/mascot for the October 2010 release of Ubuntu has been announced as the ‘Maverick Meerkat’ and Mark Shuttleworth is hinting at shaking things up a bit and aiming for the perfect 10 once the LTS is out of the way in April. Many will be happy to live with the Lynx…
Drones – The Legal and Moral War
Image via Wikipedia A common theme that keeps coming up of late is the use of drones by the US military. While in previous posts we have seen how the US Air Force is wrestling with integrating the new drone pilots into its structure we now see other more important issues are starting to be…
Time for the Ibex to Graze: Ubuntu 8.10 End of Life
Image by louisvolant via Flickr October 2008 saw the release of Ubuntu 8.10, codename Intrepid Ibex, but from 30th of April 2010 its support period ends. Users are recommended to upgrade their machines still running this version of Ubuntu before this time. This comes as we will see the release of the next LTS version…
Motorcycle Industry Letter to the Commission
Image via Wikipedia With all the talk of late of new EU regulations concerning the future of motorcycles in Europe, such as restrictions of 100bhp, I have been surprised the motorcycle industry has remained so quiet, now we have what seems to be the first major response from the ACEM (the Motorcycle Industry in Europe).…
Partner, father, pet parent (1 dog, 6 cats), & proud EU citizen. Sci-fi enthusiast and renaissance soul, often in Ireland’s midlands.
Past lives: soldier, sailor, lecturer (US politics), researcher (political violence), briefly deceased (2019).
Be excellent to each other.
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