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Hark the Engines Roar: World Superbikes 2010
Image via Wikipedia In the distance I can hear the engines revving, then before my eyes like a mirage the silhouettes of grid girls start emerge, and then on the air my nostrils detect the the sweet mixture of fuel, sweat and leather… it can only mean one thing! The reason why millions of us…
Buell is Gone…Long Live Motus
With the demise of Buell motorcycles at the hands of Harley-Davidson part of me began to wonder what could ever replace my Ulysses XB12XT? At first glance nothing out there stirs the senses or gets me as excited in anticipation of jumping on the big v-twin sports tourer and going for a ride, be it…
Karmic Compaq: Installing Ubuntu 9.10 on a Presario PC
Image via Wikipedia The Compaq Presario SR5109UK is my first desktop PC, since the late 90s all I have owned are laptops and now netbooks. I really do prefer the mobile nature of a laptop and sitting/going virtually anywhere you like with it, but when my sister offered up this desktop that had been hidden…
Visualizing Obama’s 2011 Budget Proposal
Great visualizing from the New York Times showing President Obama’s 2011 budget, the chart is fully interactive and very informative. Will we look back and talk about the the ‘big-budget freeze’ of 2011? His gamble with deepening the deficit to stimulate job growth will have to be macro-managed better then the previous stimulus or these…
Targeted Killings of US Citizens? Yes We Can!
President Obama’s efforts at disrupting Al Qeada have been marked by a major increase in drone attacks and the use of US Special Forces in short end effective operations against other targets as required. This strategy seems much more pragmatic and is arguably the best way to tackle the Al Qaeda threat around the globe,…

Partner, father, pet parent (1 dog, 6 cats), & proud EU citizen. Sci-fi enthusiast and renaissance soul, often in Ireland’s midlands.
Past lives: soldier, sailor, lecturer (US politics), researcher (political violence), briefly deceased (2019).
Be excellent to each other.
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