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Dipping & Soaring With The Breeze
I must admit, for the first time in my riding life I hit a dark patch over the last few months. It seemed to be a combination of factors, never have I been so unlucky on two wheels then over the last year, never mind the personal trials I have faced. Starting in May ’08…
Don’t Get Mad…Get MAG Ireland
At the Irish Motorcycle Show just gone by among the many exhibitors I got to chat to were the always interesting people at the MAG Ireland stall. So who is MAG Ireland? First off they are the Motorcycle Action Group and the best way to describe their role is to think of them as an…
Old Enough To Choose (Are We Ever)?
Funny that on one side of the planet China is criticized for having family planning policies relating to how many children a family may have while in Europe (in some states) we can decide when we want to die. Now in the name of ‘social planning’ states can rule you unfit to work not based…
Irish Motorcycle Show Returns
After a break last year the Carole Nash Irish Motorcycle Show is back at the RDS, Dublin on the 27th February -1st March. OK, I am the first to admit that the shows performance has been questionable in the past but with any luck they have improved and this may be an attempt to raise…
Karmic Koala’s Bringing Humanity To Others!?
Last Thursday (19th February) the next version of Ubuntu (9.04 Jaunty Jackalope) went into ‘Feature Freeze’, which essentially means that the current testing version is as close as you will get to the finished product due on the 23rd April. Of course there are still bugs to be splatted and the last few kinks ironed…
Partner, father, pet parent (1 dog, 6 cats), & proud EU citizen. Sci-fi enthusiast and renaissance soul, often in Ireland’s midlands.
Past lives: soldier, sailor, lecturer (US politics), researcher (political violence), briefly deceased (2019).
Be excellent to each other.
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