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A Hardy Heron Is Inbound
Ubuntu 8.04 ‘Hardy Heron’ is on the way! The clock is ticking and we will soon have the latest and arguably best operating system available! It is only up to the user how it looks and feels. No ‘required’ upgrades of your hardware to run it. No strings unless you want them. No contracts. No…
It Came & Went
Well, it is unlike me to forget anniversaries but I forgot this one…a whole year of keeping a web log has come and gone! February 27th to be exact. My little experiment started over on Yahoo but I swapped over to blogger because it gave me a bit more freedom in layout and features. Since…
Still Going Forward
5000 miles and service number 2 completed. How is Karma fairing? Not a problem is the answer! Nothing wrong, everything is as it should be and just keep doing what I have been doing…which has been just enjoying the bike. To put into perspective, in 4200 miles I have not have to top up the…
Baglux Review
After a few weeks with the Baglux Tank-Protector and Minea Bag I thought it is about time to give a review of how I have found it. The procedure for putting it on is pretty straight forward but I would like to see much more specialised instructions put on the Baglux website (much like what…
Lisbon Treaty – Coronation?
Last week we had Joe Higgins and Joe Costello attend DCU to give a chat on the Lisbon Treaty due to the upcoming referendum here in Ireland. I refer to it as a chat because the substance was lacking. At no time would one have been fooled into calling this a debate. I have spoken…
Partner, father, pet parent (1 dog, 6 cats), & proud EU citizen. Sci-fi enthusiast and renaissance soul, often in Ireland’s midlands.
Past lives: soldier, sailor, lecturer (US politics), researcher (political violence), briefly deceased (2019).
Be excellent to each other.
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