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It’s Brewing Up
Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) Beta is available to download from today, with the final version due for release October 18th. What does Gutsy Gibbon do better then Feisty Fawn? Well the complete outline can be found by CLICKING HERE. The most exciting (for me) is the installation of ‘Compiz‘ as standard for handling 3D Desktop…
3 Reasons To Buy A Honda
Every two years we get the treat that is the Tokyo Motor Show. At this the various manufacturer’s have a bit of fun and release their concept bikes…the sort of things we wish they would make! The catch being, the models that they do decide to develop end up being very tame versions of these…
The Dead Poet Is Alive
KD has finally been brave enough to add the new The Dead Poet link in the “KD’s Web” section. Having always intended to use the web log as a place to post his work’s (re: poems) but could never bring himself around to doing it. Finally though, here it is. A word of warning, most…
Back To School
OK…as a Mature Student! Back to school nonetheless! Fees paid, registration complete, now just to collect my student card. So this week I have spent my first few days being introduced to University life at Dublin City University. It did it’s job of putting all our (mine and my fellow mature students) fears to rest,…
Welcome To The World of Tomorrow
France has just joined the growing list of Western governments that have suffered cyber attacks. Over the last several weeks the USA, UK and German governments have all been attacked in a similar way by cyber saboteurs trying to test information technology defenses. “We have indications that our information systems were the object of attacks,…
Partner, father, pet parent (1 dog, 6 cats), & proud EU citizen. Sci-fi enthusiast and renaissance soul, often in Ireland’s midlands.
Past lives: soldier, sailor, lecturer (US politics), researcher (political violence), briefly deceased (2019).
Be excellent to each other.
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