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A Taste of Ubuntu (Original Posting 22nd July 2007)
At the start of last week the CD-ROM I had been waiting for came through the letter box, Ubuntu 7.04. Now I had promised myself not to get too excited…just put it on the shelf and wait until I can get my hands on a cheap laptop to run it on. We must have it…our…
Are Speed Cameras Robocop? (Original Posting 17th July 2007)
The EU courts have ruled that, in the UK at least, drivers of vehicles DO NOT have the right to silence. Since driving a vehicle is considered so dangerous, the right of silence is waived…but If I rob a bank with an AK47, maybe even shoot a few people, I have the right to silence!?…
Round Zero (Original Posting 5th July 2007)
The letter from CAO got jammed through the letter box this morning. Not that I was waiting for the letter…I was on the CAO website at 0600hrs to check and accept my offer. Funny experience that. They ask you do you want to defer for 1 year (no thank you) then they ask you are…
Is a Social Europe What Citizens Want? (Original Posting 3rd July 2007)
Guess what? We do! This is a new topic under current discussion within the EU. After attending the latest Forum on Europe meeting in Dublin Castle last Thursday (28th June) I got to hear all about what we citizens of Europe want. Or that seems to be the initial findings of this intensive debate that…
Mozilla Firefox & Thunderbird with Ubuntu too!? (Original Posting 27th June 2007)
No, this is not a title from a Japanese monster or an independent film. In fact this is some new software I have been using for several weeks now. Mozilla Firefox (Internet Browser)Mozilla Thunderbird (Email Application)OpenOffice (Full Office Application Suite) These are completely FREE to download applications. Just go to their respective websites for…
Partner, father, pet parent (1 dog, 6 cats), & proud EU citizen. Sci-fi enthusiast and renaissance soul, often in Ireland’s midlands.
Past lives: soldier, sailor, lecturer (US politics), researcher (political violence), briefly deceased (2019).
Be excellent to each other.
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