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MotoGP, Beyond China… (Original Posting 6th May 2007)
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO, It’s Stoner!? Ducati and Casey Stoner are setting the pace for the MotoGP, with 4 rounds over and 3 wins now it will only be a matter of time when victory is all but assured if they keep up this pace. But with the championship returning…
Star Trek, Boldly Doing Nothing (Original Posting 4th May 2007)
What has happened with Star Trek? When I heard the 11th movie was on the way I was excited, but now I am already announcing that I am to boycott the next movie completely. It is due for release at Christmas 2008. The story is to focus on Kirk & Spock while they are still…
Politics, UK (Original Posting 3rd May 2007)
So it has begun… The coffee is brewing in the background and I am stocking up supplies of food around me, NO not the nuclear winter…the results of the local elections are being released across the UK. So by 6am all the results should be in and I will fall into bed. Until then it…
Motorcycles, The Long Way…Down!? (Original Posting 3rd May 2007)
So it is official, Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman will be leaving the most northerly point of Scotland aroound the 10th-12th May and traveling south to Cape Town, South Africa. The trip will take several months and again they will be promoting their favourite charity UNICEF. They will be on “BMW R 1200 GS Adventure”…
The UK & Trident, An Explosive Relationship (Original Posting 26th March 2007)
I just want to put forward a few thoughts with regards to trident and the intention to renew it. I can not say with complete conviction that taking the UK’s nuclear deterrent off the table is the best thing for the UK! Though there is some room for movement. I would put forward a different…
Partner, father, pet parent (1 dog, 6 cats), & proud EU citizen. Sci-fi enthusiast and renaissance soul, often in Ireland’s midlands.
Past lives: soldier, sailor, lecturer (US politics), researcher (political violence), briefly deceased (2019).
Be excellent to each other.
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