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Finding Serenity
1999. That was when my first motorcycle crush began. I had been riding motorcycles for about two years, all my time being spent on underpowered and overweight Japanese mini-cruisers. Then I saw her, the Triumph Sprint ST, fully kitted out with luggage and I wanted one. Being in no position to come close to owning…
Where Are We Now? [Musings About the Future of MAG Ireland]
Saturday the 11th of October 2014 That could have been the day that MAG Ireland ceased to exist. If not for the 15 members who turned up and a relatively animated discussion (my apologies to the board) then MAG Ireland faced a potential shutdown over the course of the next year with October 31st 2015…
Accessorize This! Trying Out D3O Impact Protectors
Fashion and I have an uncomfortable relationship; actually, we barely even speak at the best of times. My greatest concern when it comes to clothing comes down to the simple question of “how will this perform and feel under my motorcycle gear?”. Therefore, my wardrobe is a mix of functional layers of various brands where black…
Turning The Wheels Against Depression – AAI 2014
Motorcyclists and raising money for charity go together like leather and chrome. Combining them brings out all the best in people, both those who ride and those who don’t. Going through towns on a sponsored motorcycle run, waving, with buckets ready raises awareness for all taking part. The Annual Across Ireland (AAI) is a prime…
20,000KM’s Later – A Year with the Honda NC700X
A lot has happened in the last year since I collected the Honda NC700X, both professionally and personally, but let’s get to the meat of this and just focus on what it has been like living with the NC700X. It is worth noting that the 700 has been replaced by a 750 version, so if…
Partner, father, pet parent (1 dog, 6 cats), & proud EU citizen. Sci-fi enthusiast and renaissance soul, often in Ireland’s midlands.
Past lives: soldier, sailor, lecturer (US politics), researcher (political violence), briefly deceased (2019).
Be excellent to each other.
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