Tag: Political Violence

  • Fly Air-Qaeda: Because Nobody is Watching

    Reports have emerged (in 2008!) that Al-Qaeda (Africa) in conjunction with FARC (Latin America) have been using a fleet of rogue aircraft (as large as Boeing 727s) to transport drugs from Latin America to Africa, then filter them up to Europe. This is obviously the path of least resistance, why risk sneaking on a drug-mule…

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  • Global Jihad – Only Graduates and Wealthy Need Apply

    For some reason policy makers seem to think that reaching out to the poor will help stem the tide of Jihadist’s that are trying to strike at America. You can look at work by Fathali M. Moghaddam and his “The Staircase to Terrorism” to support the view that poverty plays a significant part in radicalisation,…

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  • Al-Qaeda has a new strategy. Obama needs one, too

    “Throughout 2008 and 2009, U.S. officials repeatedly trumpeted al-Qaeda’s demise. In a May 2008 interview with The Washington Post, then-CIA Director Michael Hayden heralded the group’s “near strategic defeat.” And the intensified aerial drone attacks that President Obama authorized against al-Qaeda targets in Pakistan last year were widely celebrated for having killed over half of…

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  • jihad.com

    A call to action for the Muslim community, maybe it is time to turn the gaze inward and answer the call to do what needs to be done. An excellent Op-Ed from the NYT, some samples below but follow the link for the whole piece. clipped from www.nytimes.com Let’s not fool ourselves. Whatever threat the…

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  • The Enemy Within

    Yesterday a Major in the US army perpetrated the worse terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11, with 12 dead and 31 wounded. Some links about the event: * US Army major behind Fort Hood murders expressed sympathy for Islamic terrorists * About the killing in Texas and is the US Army broken? * Fort…

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