Tag: Ubuntu

  • The Monkey Is Dead…

    …So Long Live The Rabbit! Goodbye Gutsy On October 18th 2007 I got a taste of my second Ubuntu flavour, 7.10 ‘Gutsy Gibbon’. Now some 18 months and 2 upgrades later (8.04LTS Hardy Heron & 8.10 Intrepid Ibex) the impressive monkey will swing no more as it reaches its end of life on April 18th…

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  • Karmic Koala’s Bringing Humanity To Others!?

    Last Thursday (19th February) the next version of Ubuntu (9.04 Jaunty Jackalope) went into ‘Feature Freeze’, which essentially means that the current testing version is as close as you will get to the finished product due on the 23rd April. Of course there are still bugs to be splatted and the last few kinks ironed…

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  • Pimping Your Gnome Deskop

    One of the best features about Ubuntu has got to be the ease at which you can grab whatever need when you need it. The debate goes on about free/open/proprietary license issues, but for the end user you are spoilt for choice, which moves me onto the look and feel of the Ubuntu desktop. At…

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  • Ubuntu and the world of tomorrow

    Below are some excerpts from an interview by the NY Times with Mark Shuttleworth and gives a good history of Ubuntu and Canonical up to now. It also looks at the companies future plans and giving an indication of what is to come. No word on specifics or any of the technology advances that Ubuntu…

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  • Farewell Feisty Fawn

    Has it been 18 months already? Seemingly so, as Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn reaches the end of its supported life. This may not be a huge deal as the releases that have come since have just been better and better. Now we are just a few weeks away from the release of Intrepid Ibex at…

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