Tag: USA

  • One telling similarity between the the Wehrmacht and the US Military

    A very interesting insight into the how effective the US military is at doing the wrong thing, as Fabius Maximus says “From a larger perspective this article shows how the 21st century US military is locked into a historically common trap. No matter how good, it remains harnessed to US elites’ geopolitical thinking ” poorly…

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  • The Enemy Within

    Yesterday a Major in the US army perpetrated the worse terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11, with 12 dead and 31 wounded. Some links about the event: * US Army major behind Fort Hood murders expressed sympathy for Islamic terrorists * About the killing in Texas and is the US Army broken? * Fort…

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  • Grading Obama

    “After U.S. President Barack Obama’s first 100 days in office, Foreign Policy asked a group of experts to grade him on everything from North Korea to nukes. On the anniversary of his historic election, we’ve reprised the experiment — and found out that the White House isn’t doing so well.” – FP clipped from www.foreignpolicy.com…

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  • The Great Escape

    Let’s have a merry journey, and shout about how light is good and dark is not. What we should do is not future ourselves so much. We should now ourselves. “Now thyself” is more important than “know thyself.” Reason is what tells us to ignore the present and live in the future. So all we…

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  • Bringing Paddy to the Mountain

    I am currently putting together a holiday to the USA from Ireland and have come across websites and newspaper articles saying how companies are out there to make the process nice and easy for you for a fee… Well guess what, the process is nice and easy, it just happens to involve a little bit…

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